Socioeconomic Status,Child-rearing Values and Parenting Style: Based on the China Family Panel Survey

In recent years, the state has issued a series of policies and plans related to children's development to guide the comprehensive development of children and adolescents.2021 The Outline of China's Children's Development (2021-2030), which was promulgated in 2021, pointed out that it should be oriented to “improve children's comprehensive quality” and to cultivate socialist builders and youths with “all-round development in morality, intelligence, physicality, aesthetics and labor”. socialist builders and successors with “all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor”, and to promote the further improvement of the “mechanism for coordinated education in school, family and society”. Among them, family education is the basic link to promote the development of children and adolescents, so it is necessary to systematically analyze the influencing factors of family education represented by parenting styles, to increase our understanding of the connotation of family education, to promote the improvement of the family education service system and the mechanism of collaborative education between school, family and society, and to promote the high-quality development of family education. Against this background, a study published in the China Economics of Education Review used data from three rounds of the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2010-2014 to analyze how the socioeconomic status of a family and its subjective parenting concepts jointly shape the choice of parenting styles.

The study shows that:

1. Parental occupation has a significant impact on the choice of parenting style. As the socioeconomic index (ISEI) of the father's occupation increases, families are less inclined to choose authoritarian and more inclined to tolerant parenting styles.

2. In addition to the family's socioeconomic status, parents' subjective parenting concepts also affect the choice of parenting style, and the impact of subjective parenting concepts varies with the measure. When parents have a high sense of parenting responsibility, parenting styles tend to be more tolerant; if parents have high expectations of their children's education, parenting styles tend to be more authoritative. Moreover, there is group heterogeneity in the influence of parents' subjective parenting concepts on the choice of parenting styles, i.e., the higher the sense of parenting responsibility, the lower the probability that parents of 10-15 year olds and urban children will choose the two types of parenting styles, authoritarian and authoritative; whereas the higher the parental educational expectations, the lower the probability that parents of girls and rural children will choose neglectful styles, and the higher the probability that parents of 10-15 year olds will choose authoritative styles of parenting. higher.

3. Mechanism analysis shows that family socio-economic status will also play an indirect role in the choice of parenting styles through subjective parenting concepts.

The study makes the following recommendations:

Emphasize the role of family education in the growth of children and adolescents.

Strengthen research on family education as represented by parenting styles and practices, and promote the high-quality development of family education.

Source:Zhao R. J..(2024).Socioeconomic Status,Child-rearing Values and Parenting Style: Based on the China Family Panel Survey. China Economics of Education Review(04),90-111.
Does Human-computer Collaborative Learning Based on Generative Artificial Intelligence Enhance Learning Outcomes? - A Meta-analysis of 20 Experimental and Quasi-experimental Studies

With the application of artificial intelligence in the field of learning, human-machine collaborative learning has attracted wide attention as a new type of learning-like state. The rise of generative artificial intelligence has injected impetus into human-machine collaborative learning. However, there is still controversy about the effectiveness of human-machine collaborative learning based on generative artificial intelligence. Recently, some scholars used meta-analysis method to integrate and analyze 20 studies at home and abroad, and discussed the influence of regulatory variables on the effect of human-machine collaborative learning based on generative artificial intelligence from the dimensions of subject field, knowledge type, intervention duration and so on.

research finding:

1. Compared with traditional learning methods, human-machine collaborative learning based on generative AI can effectively improve the learning effectiveness.

Its powerful content generation, language translation, context understanding and scene copying capabilities, customized interactive real-time feedback can bridge the differences between different needs, reduce cognitive anxiety, and provide realistic learning experience through context simulation, assisting learners to realize human-machine collaborative knowledge creation based on brainstorming.

2. The adjustment analysis shows that man-machine collaborative learning based on generative artificial intelligence has better performance in social science and procedural knowledge learning; the longer the intervention period, the weaker the influence; group learning, role setting and flipped classroom have the most influence on man-machine collaborative learning; and insignificant group differences in subject field, knowledge type, and learning methods.

This study proves the positive influence of man-machine collaborative learning on learning effectiveness based on generative artificial intelligence, and also inspires the strategies and methods of man-machine collaborative learning practice with generative artificial intelligence. Researchers need to strengthen the design of practice suitability, carry out the learning of furnace group certificate, pay attention to the role refinement guidance and the deep integration of exploration ode, so as to boost the development of human-machine collaborative learning theory and practice based on generative artificial intelligence.

Source:He,W. B., Zhao,S., Awaiti,T. W. G., Ta,W. G. & Zu, E. W.(2024). Does Human-computer Collaborative Learning Based on Generative Artificial Intelligence Enhance Learning Outcomes? - A Meta-analysis of 20 Experimental and Quasi-experimental Studies .Open Education Research , 30 (5): 101-111.
The Impact of Parental Control on the Mental Health of Primary and Secondary School Students and Its Educational Implications

A recent study published in Educational Science Research deeply explored the impact of parental control on the mental health of primary and middle school students, and proposed corresponding educational countermeasures. Research based on the background of Chinese traditional culture parents to the authority of their children breeding behavior, using the meta-analysis method, the control of parents and the relationship between the mental health of primary and middle school students.

Research finding:

1 There is a moderate positive correlation between parental control and psychological problems of primary and middle school students, indicating that parental control is an important risk factor for psychological problems among primary and middle school students.

2. The relationship between parental control and the mental health of primary and middle school students is regulated by the age stage, the source of psychological control, the cultural background, and the year of publication.

In order to cope with the challenges brought by parental control to the mental health of primary and middle school students, the following educational countermeasures are proposed:

1. Parents should establish scientific educational concepts, reduce controlled parenting behaviors, establish an equal parent-child relationship, strengthen the learning of scientific parenting knowledge, and improve their ability to deal with stress.

2. Strengthen and improve the mental health education of primary and middle school students, take into account students' passive bearing ability and active coping ability, improve self-awareness and emotional regulation ability, guide students to choose constructive coping methods, and rationally use external resources.

3. Schools should make full use of their resource advantages, optimize family education, share high-quality education resources, carry out parent training, provide mental health education and services, and promote effective cooperation between home, school and community.

Source:Xing, S.F.,Gao, X., & Yu ,G.L. (2024). The Impact of Parental Control on the Mental Health of Primary and Secondary School Students and Its Educational Implications. Educational Science Research (10), 20-27.
Reform of “Fair Starting Line” and Equalization of Public Services for Basic Education: Taking the Policy of “Synchronous and Lottery Enrollment for Private Schools” Implemented in Shanghai as a Case Study

The development of fair and quality basic education is the core goal of education reform, and the policy effects of the “equalization of starting points” reform that has emerged in recent years have not been fully studied. Recently, a paper published in Journal of Finance and Economics takes the policy of “equal enrollment for citizens and lottery for private offices” in March 2020 in Shanghai as an example, constructs a competitive equilibrium model of school choice to analyze the impact mechanism of the policy, and adopts a double-difference model to evaluate the policy effect of “equalization of starting points” in basic education. The Difference-in-Differences Model is used to evaluate the effect of the policy of “equalizing the starting point” in basic education.

Research findings:

After the implementation of the policy of “equal enrollment for citizens and balloting for private schools”, the logic of “pinpointing the top” in private schools has been broken, and the policy objective of “fairness at the starting line” has been achieved. However, the policy also made the education capitalization of the regional school district housing premium, resulting in the overflow of educational inequality risk of “choosing the best by housing”.

After the implementation of the policy, the logic of family investment in education has changed from focusing on the quality of public elementary school education to focusing on the quality of public junior high school education, which has brought about the phenomenon of “cutting peaks and filling valleys” in the price of school district housing.

The “multi-school zoning” reform has significantly weakened the education capitalization premium brought about by the policy of “equal enrollment of citizens and private lottery”, and in the future, synergies can be achieved among the education equalization reform measures, thus eliminating the implied social costs brought about by the policy of systemic change.

Research suggestions:

The Government and relevant departments should reasonably guide families to choose schools rationally, and make effective allocation of student resources between public and private schools.

In conjunction with “quality equalization” measures, the supply of high-quality educational resources should be increased in order to achieve a balanced development of basic education in the region.

To address the implicit social costs and risk spillovers associated with systemic change through policy synergies among education equalization initiatives.

Source:Tong,J.,Xue,J.(2024). Reform of “Fair Starting Line” and Equalization of Public Services for Basic Education: Taking the Policy of “Synchronous and Lottery Enrollment for Private Schools” Implemented in Shanghai as a Case Study. Journal of Finance and Economics,50(08):124-138.
School bullying and sleep quality among middle school students: The mediating role of social anxiety and the moderating role of left-behind experiences

With the advancement of the Healthy China Strategy, the joint efforts of home-school-society to promote the positive psychological growth of adolescents have become a much-needed goal for the whole society. As adolescents bear heavy academic pressure and face the dilemma of bullying in schools, they may be in a state of chronic sleep deprivation and irregularity, which will backfire on the level of adolescents' physical and mental development. Against this background, a study published in Psychological Research conducted a questionnaire survey among 758 secondary school students to investigate the mediating role of social anxiety in the relationship between school bullying and sleep quality among secondary school students and the moderating role of stay-at-home experience.

The study found that:

1. traditional/cyber bullying still had a significant positive predictive effect on sleep quality of secondary school students, confirming that school bullying is an important risk variable affecting sleep quality of secondary school students. It was also found that cyberbullying, an interpersonal stressor in online socialization, may contribute to the decline in sleep quality of secondary school students by inducing adverse emotional experiences, just as traditional bullying does.

2. The mediating effect test confirmed the existence of a mediating role of social anxiety between traditional/cyberbullying and sleep quality. These bullied students may hold negative evaluations of themselves, and their interpersonal efficacy may be diminished, resulting in sleep problems.

3. The stay-at-home experience moderated the relationship between school bullying and sleep quality. Sleep problems are a physiological response to discomfort, and when faced with interpersonal stress, both stay-at-home and non-stay-at-home students will use sleep quality decline as an indirect warning of interpersonal stress spillover. Therefore, the stay-at-home experience did not produce a moderating effect in the direct pathway and the first half of the pathway between school bullying and sleep quality. However, the stay-at-home experience had a significant moderating effect on the mediating pathway of cyberbullying-social anxiety-sleep quality.

Based on this, school bullying can influence middle school students' sleep quality through the mediator of social anxiety, and in this mediation pathway, there were differences in stay-at-home experiences only for the cyberbullying model of the effect of social anxiety on sleep quality. This study suggests that educators should provide targeted guidance to middle school students when intervening in school bullying based on the different characteristics of different forms of bullying between left-behind and non-left-behind students.

Source:Wu,J,Y., Zhang,S,S., & Liu,Z,H.(2024). School bullying and sleep quality among middle school students: The mediating role of social anxiety and the moderating role of left-behind experiences. Psychological Research (05), 461-469.